My daughter is 6 and her skin has been responding well to the summer sun this year and her face and knees have been repigmenting. We live in the UK and I am looking into UVB for the winter months. Does anyone here use an at home UVB unit for their ch
My son was diagnosed with vitiligo this time last year. In fact, his first sign of vitiligo arrived during the same exact trip we are going on again in the next few weeks. What seemed like was a very dry spot (I think
My son has been recently diagnosed with Vitiligo. He will be four years old in September. His spots seem to be spreading fairly quickly especially on his chest and back. All of spots are circular in shape. He has repigmented a big spot on his neck. H
Does anyone have a son around the age of 8 that has vitiligo that would like to be pen pals with my son? My son doesn't know anyone who has vitiligo and I know he would love to communicate with someone who also has it.
My daugther is 5 years old now and has segmental vitiligo from her 8th Month, recently we had moved away from homeopathy treatment after 2 long years with no allopathy treatment and where we had started using table
Hello. Im fairly new to the site and feel so blessed finding it and of course the parents corner. My four year old son was diagnosed a few months ago with his first spot forming in his rectal area.. After all the emotions i decided to gear up and def
I haven't posted in quite sometime now. My daughter Hannah was diagnosed with Vitiligo since she was 3 years old. I noticed a white spot on her belly that continued to grow with time. I googled online white patches on belly and it cam
My 9 year old daughter was just diagnosed a week ago. I noticed the spots (first on her knees) about 6 weeks ago, but it took some time to get into a dermatologist. I have been scouring the internet for information and found this group. This is th
My son was diagnosed at 5 years old with vitiligo. It was only on his hands and with Protopic he repigmented. He is 8 now and it has rapidly spread all over his body. We are in the process of getting a NB UVB light to start light therapy. We ae prayi
Hi all!
My darling daughter, who I will refer to as DD, was diagnosed with vitiligo last year, at the age of 5. We saw two dermatologists. One said definitely vitiligo. The other said, maybe vit, maybe just a couple of hypo pigmented birthmarks. As
I just posted this from my personal page but don't know how to just share that discussion in here so I apologise if it becomes redundant. Please let me know if any of you have tried nutritional changes and what your results have been...
I'm curious to know if any other parents have witnessed signs of fatigue in their children w/Vitiligo. My daughter just turned 9 and has had vitiligo since she was 3. Lately she's been getting involved in more sporting activities, and we've noticed s
Hi, has anyone had any repigment using the phototherapy lights? I'm considering purchasing one for my daughter. I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks:)
What i am saying might sound stupid but just a thought. What can be the better media to spread vitiligo awareness than television. and what can be better channel to spread awareness among Kids than Disney Channel. Can we do something like requesting
I am fairly new to Vit. Just recently, my 2.5 year old daughter has been diagnosed to have vit and I would appreciate any info/suggestion from experienced Parents.
Our Pediatric Derm has prescribed Steroid Cream for my daughter.Can
My son Ahyden is 8 years old and has had vitiligo for almost 2 years..It started as a spot under his eye and within a couple of months took over the whole he has no pigment in his eyelashes and eyebrow. He recently had to start seeing a th
My 5-year old little boy was diagnosed with Vitiligo yesterday - I actually noticed a white patch on his back over a year ago but I stupidly assumed it was a birthmark and that it was getting bigger as his skin grew along with the rest of him. The sp