Covid 19 vaccine and Vitiligo

Hi all I am thinking of getting my Covid 19 vaccine on the 2nd of September 2021 but I am still not 100% sure if its safe for a person with Vitiligo. Did anyone on the forums took the vaccine already and was there any negative effects with your…

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9 Replies

Pseudolatalase Cream

I am thinking about trying pseudocatalase cream. If any of you have tried it please let me know if it worked for you. I am currently using uv treatment  and it is working but I want to try something with less side effects. Thank you in advance for…

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2 Replies

A new strategy?

Members, My doctor recently told me to apply a light oil (olive or coconut) to my vitiligo spots before using my home uvb unit. He said it will help reflect the light and absorb more rays. Afterwards, I am to get my shower then apply the Tacrolimus.…

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42 Replies


Welcome to the Vitiligo friends network. This is a place where those with Vitiligo, their family, and their friends can share information and stay in touch. Started in 2007, we are now over 7,000 members!

Please consider going to the forum and posting a welcome message. Be sure to let us know what part of the world you are from. You can also use the search box at the top right to look for topics that are already in discussion!

To avoid spammers on the network, we have to approve your membership after you sign up to join (filling out the profile questions helps us a lot). If you send spam or inappropriate messages you will be banned from the network. If you receive unsolicited off-topic messages, or see any inappropriate material here, please report it. We have a no-tolerance policy for those who claim a "cure" or use this space to advertise.

So glad you are here!


P.S. Commercial posts, including repeated endorsements of "cures," will be removed.

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Steve Hargadon created Vitiligo Friends
Apr 9, 2023

Send Your Photo to Our "Uniquely Beautiful" Site!

Uniquely Beautiful showcases the unique beauty of those with Vitiligo--both for others to see, and for those of us with Vitiligo to appreciate our own beauty. While our is a private network, Uniquely Beautiful is a separate site for public view in order to encourage others with Vitiligo. However, there are no names or contact information, just photos of faces.

To have your photo be part of Uniquely Beautiful send a face shot or a photo that has your face in it (without makeup, and whether or not you have Vitiligo on your face). We'll add it to the wall of beautiful Vitiligo faces. Someone with Vitiligo coming to this site might feel instantly better about him or herself, knowing the rest of us exist. Someone who doesn't have it would hopefully begin to recognize the diversity and beauty of who we are.

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