
  • If it counts, I would pitch for Derma Cupid Dating App ( It is a vitiligo specific dating app and people with vitiligo can use this dating app to explore dating opportunities in a judgement-free environment

  • hi, i have not had issues dating maybe because i have always been a confident person. i usually tell a lady abt my vit even before she even asks me. tho i feel bad sometimes but i don't let it take a toll on me. so be who you are and be confident. cheers

  • Hello the only tip i can give is just to be honest. I always let people know what vit is and a little background, I dont have a problem with dating thus far, most people are just curious, but once i explain they are usually ok with it.

  • Although I can't really say from personal experience (I developed by Vit after I met my finance) I do know a lot about self confidence. Everyone has hang ups about how they look. People might think they are too ugly, too fat, too flat chested, not tall enough. The truth is it is 90% about your personality. If you are the kind of person that exhibits a positive/fun personality people will naturally be attracted to you.

  • I am currently in a relationship, but only since about January of this year, before that I was single for almost 6 years.  I am definatley someone who prior to my new relationship dated ALOT.  Maybe too much, lol, I really enjoyed my single life, went on dates constantly and really had no desire to settle down at all.  I have never been denied a date due to my vitiligo.  My tip is to just be yourself, and do not focus on it, by feeling UNcomfortable with your Vit you can make other's UNcomfortable with it.  If it doesn't bother you, then it wont bother them.  It's all about confidence "Rock your Vitiligo" "Own it" and be open to questions, let them know it doesn't bother you, and if they have questions, feel free to ask away :)  I truly believe that this has helped me to lead a very happy single/committed lifestyle. And most importantly... Don't be discouraged by a bad date, everyone has them, consider it experience, like a job interview where you dont get the job, you now know for next time what you maybe should and shouldn't do.  I also found that the internet has worked in me meeting people as well because you are meeting people based on who YOU are, not so much by looks, the Vitiligo discussion can come later rather than immediate and you can gradullay work into the subject at the right time.  Just remember to be honest with yourself and make sure to bring it up at some point.  Now go out and have fun!!! That's what dating is really all about :)

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