Main (1724)

Protopic on Scalp ?

In June 2013 i told your guys that i have Vitiligo on my hands. They where very noticeable. Small white spots on hands and fingertips. 

Since then i have used Dermovat cream and 2-3 time UV lights. And today.....TADAAA......they are perfectly gone.

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Laser hair removal?

Has anyone done permanent laser hair removal treatment? I have been thinking of doing this, especially on some vit areas where two hair colours grow. However I have researched and apparently it actually destroys the hair follicles. My concern is tha

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giving my self a target :)

hiya , Iknow it sounds a bit strange .but I am giving my self a target of getting rid of vitiligo within 371 days .Today is 10th of oct 2013 ,have no idea how will i do it in 371days ? :) will try to make immune  system strong with the help of  retic

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I was searching the web for vitiligo cure and found Novitil to be one of them.Has anyone used this and is it effective?Can it be used for kids?

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