Hello everyone, I wanted to get you guys opinions on the Narrow band UVB. My daughter is 9, would you recommend it for someone her age?

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  • We started using it on my son when he was 9. we take breaks during the summer. We have had no issues! Good luck!
    • how often do you use it the nuvb?  any side effects?  @ christie?  

      • We were using it three times a week. We have slacked off due to a heavier load of school work and extra curricular activities because it is time consuming. Worked great on his knees, not so much on his feet. Hoping to restart once we are out for summer! We have had no side effects whatsoever! You just have to be very careful increasing your time as not to burn. Good luck!!
  • I'm not a doctor so i can't give u any medical advices ... but i've read in the scientific literature that, as far as they know, nb-uvb are safe (both for children and adults) ... but for now, they only have 5 or 10 years follow-up studies for nb-uvb so the long term effects are still unknown (on the other side, it is now known that vitiligo people we have a lower risk of skin cancer than the 'normal' population, so the risk on long-term could still be very low even with nb-uvb) ... ask your dermatologist about those concerns (i hope he's a skilled one in vitiligo, 'cause unfortunately many derm don't know so much things about this disease), but she's maybe a bit young for this ... another option could be to try to stabilize the disease until she's a bit older/almost adults ... i've read in the scientific that some supplements/antioxydants seems to help stabilize the disease, like gingko biloba, quercetin (there's some in apples, but it's also available in form of supplements), omega 3 (in fish, in some oils, in supplements), the whole range of vitamin B ...But again, you should ask your derm or GP before (i'm not a doctor and i can't give any medical advices)

    Hope this helps !

    • Julien, you have helped a lot, that's all I wanted was opinions, thanks so much.
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