Depigmentation Treatment or tips to cover the spots naturally

dear all,

if anyone of you have tried for depigmentation treatment then please share me the details about it.

Spreading of spots in my face and other parts of body are killing me day by day. Because of these spots, I feel shame and I am not able to meet with my friends and family.

I am staying alone in these days so no one matters about it, but in village it is hard to live with vitiligo. Therefore, it would be great if anyone from this site can assist me on how to cover it naturally so that I can live with my family for some few days.

I am looking forward to hear all the positive response from all of you.

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  • Hello, I am so sorry that people are mistreating you.  If it happened to them, you wouldn't treat them poorly.  Very sad.  With your courage and a good attitude you can slowly rebuild your confidence.  The treatment options do take some time for progress from what I understand.  In the meantime, be sure to remember that your value as a human being and a friend, daughter, etc. is not based on how you look.  It is based on you as a person - on the inside.  Surround yourself with good reading (inspriational stories of how people have overcome things in their lives) because if you can't find good people to support you through this at least there's plenty of people you can reach through the internet. 

    Don't let this dictate what you want out of life.  That is the other person's problem if they are making you feel uncomfortable.  If they felt fine the way they are, they wouldn't be concerned about your appearance.

    I've heard some good responses from light therapy (3 times a week for a few months).  My daughter is currently being treated with protopic cream and clobetosol cream.  2x/day, the protopic 4 days a week and the other 3 days a week.

    Hold your head high.  Not sure if you believe in God, but I do and God doesn't make junk.  You need to be proud of how God made you and prove to people that you are just as worthy as they are, probably more so! 

    Best wishes & blessings to you,

    Alison Dosek

    • Dear Alison,

      Many many thanks for your kind reply and suggestion however, I am not sure that how long will I be able to tackle the situation in future. Had gone for an interview recently but the HR rejects me due this vitiligo just like a perished fruit in a shop /store that no one like's to buy.

      I can't even think of changing a job again since I have met that unfortunate day so its becoming more difficult to live.

      Nothing can achieve without money so I really don't know how to struggle ....

      • Wow, that's a tough blow.  Where do you live?  I hope you have some kind people around you that you can reach out to.  I would be happy to do whatever I can to help you, but I'm afraid we are so many miles away.  Maybe not?  Here's my private e-mail if you ever want to chat:


        Many times in life we feel we are alone.  I guess it's arguable if we are really alone or not, but I am here if I can do anything for you. 



        • please check out ur mail

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