What are your thoughts about depigmentation?

so ive been suffering from vitiligo for the past 7 yrs, ive come to the point where i just want to depigment my skin. my mother had vit as well, and she has been fully depigmented for the past 10 years and now has the most beautiful, flawless pale skin. i really want this and yet everyone seems to want me to keep my patchy skin, is it bad for me to just want to get this over with? what is the point in prolonging the inevitable? i dnt care about not being able to be in the sun- i hardly go in the sun now anyway. What are your opinions about depigmentation?

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  • Hi Gaby,

    I don't have any advice for you on the process/risks of depigmentation, but as a mother whose son has very severe vit- 60- 80% of his body the option if depigmentation was always something I was willing to push the derm to do if we had no success with repigmentation. In his case after lots of vitamin/supplement changes(and UVB light and sunlight treatments) he has been repigmentating for the last 3 years. Slow process but it is much better.  Have you done any light treatments? It seems that derm's tend to tell vit patients to stay OUT of the sun, but the more research I've done the more I realize you NEED some to kickstart that melanin production. Unfortunately, I've learned that Dr's & derm's know very little about vit which leads to a sketchy treatment plan or no plan at all.

    That said, I think you need to consider the depigmentation if you think that will help you emotionally live with it. I would hope your Mom is a good source of info and pro's/con's to the process. Before our son was diagnosed I had no idea what something like vitiligo can do to a persons spirit, but now I understand. I hope whatever you decide to do makes you happy and content. Best of luck! :) 

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