
I was searching the web for vitiligo cure and found Novitil to be one of them.Has anyone used this and is it effective?Can it be used for kids?

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  • I have been using Novitil for three months faithfully and am getting results with the combination of sunning and application of the gel twice a day.  I have tried other things, but this is the first thing that has resulted in regaining some pigment since I started losing it about four years ago.  I was feeling really hopeless as I watched more and more of my pigment being "eaten" by vitiligo.  Now I am hopeful!  I think the lotion is of some importance because on areas where my spots get the sun but don't have lotion, I have not had results.  Their website has a lot of helpful information and they are very good at answering questions, etc. - more helpful than any dermatologist I consulted with!! 

    • Thank you! my son has it in his bottom so he is not getting exposure to sun there.
      • My daughters Vitiligo affects her private parts. How do you manage to get sun there?

        • Karina,I have the same problem with my son.He has it in bottom and I am unable to expose that area to sun.I tried opening windows and making him sit there so he gets some sun.
          • You might try using the uvb lamp which is safe if used correctly. I have bought one and now using that, it is convenient and you can use it in the more private areas, like his bottom.

  • Thanks for info Iynn!
  • The bottle does state that it's safe for kids. I read the ingredients and nothing unusual so I would say it's fine.
  • I am currently using Novitil and have been for a little under 2 months. I'm really not sure if it's making a big difference. I am spending more time in the sun so I am noticing more spots of pigmentation but that may have happened without the novitil. I am also wearing a copper bracelet and have been for 3 weeks or so. The novitil may just help overall to keep the spots very well moisturized (which once exposed to sunlight, moisturized skin has a better result in general). Not sure if it's making a difference but I'll keep using for a full 6 months before I move on. The bottle was $75 so I won't be buying more unless I see more results than I am now.
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