Meeting others with vitiligo

I just wanted to put it out there that I am hosting a meetup tomorrow in Los Angeles for anyone with vitiligo who would like to come by and hang out. You don't have to be dealing with this alone in your life, and it has made a huge difference to be able to talk about it face to face with someone who has gone through the same thing. Some of us are confident and proud in our skin, and others are struggling. My hope for those people is that they will find some comfort in connecting with others at gatherings like these.

Our last event had about 20 people show and offer support and I am hoping to see quite a few more new faces at this one.

(For more info go here:

My question to this community is: who else would be interested in more of this type of gathering on a regular basis (maybe one every two months). Also for those of you in other cities, would you be interested in starting a similar meetup in your area?

If you need help setting this up feel free to contact me and I will be glad to help.


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  • Dear Jordan,

    Thank u for activities for viti ppl! I must attend ur program if u r in US!!

    Thanx again



  • I'd like to meet you but I' too far from Los Angles......

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