What age does a person start getting vitiligo?

First time I noticed mine was on vacation in 2009. I'm 37 now, I noticed that after a day at the beach my lips turned pink. Thought it was sun burn but months later I started getting spots around my mouth area and neck. My Dr said it was do to stress. I'm just wondering what age people usually get vitiligo.

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  • My daughter was diagnosed with V when she was 3 it was first on her face and knees. We tried doing just the creams and a year ago switched to diet and vitamins and no creams. She is now Gluten Free Dairy Free and taking every vit you can imagine :) when I remember.

    She is doing well it has slowed down she only got two new spots this whole year. She started 1st grade this year and got teased for the first time but seems not to have phased her much. I know it is something she will always deal with but I hope it doesn;t define her.

    My husband got V when he was in his 30s a year or so before she was born. I would say his was stress but it must be hereditary.

    • Hi Ruby,

      Good to hear that your daughter's vitiligo has slowed down. For how long has she been on the gluten free diet ? and have you noticed repigmentation or vitiligo slowing down after the diet?



  • It seems to me so far I"m the only one who has had Vitiligo since birth.  Actually my mom noticed it when I got my first suntan.  So she figured I was about 2 years old.  So I know in my case it wasn't due to stress. Haha... a stressed 2 year old.  Having it all my life, I don't know anything else. I've never been all one color. I've never been depressed or self conscious about it. I just thought it was an interesting fact that most people seem to get it past childhood.  

  • I was 48 when my first spots started showing up, where I first noticed it was on my right index finger, I thought it was a scar, I was in Arizona out in the sun and thought it was a scar then they grew. 

  • B-12 and folic acid. I also tried most of the treatments and at the end I decided not to waste more money.. Use self tanning lotion or dermablend sometimes...
    • I hear you. I have met with three different derms and was using protopic but stopped. I had light therapy appts but also cancelled those before even beginning. Those temporary fixes just give false hopes. I am going to start looking in to makeup. Thanks!

  • Yeah I am so upset that I gave up and let it spread. What vitamins do you take?
  • Hi! I stopped taking my vitamins and it got real bad, but i was under a lot of stress. My spots cover now over 30% of my body..I do a lot of exercise , if not, I think it would be even worse.
  • Hi! I was diagnosed with Vitiligo a little over two years ago when I was 24. I was under a great deal of stress physically caring for my father who was battling cancer (he passed away), being a new mom (Daughter is awesome!), and going to court for my best friend's murder trial (The murderer was found guilty). 

    It started on my left thigh. I had a biopsy done which confirmed vit. My derm said it was no big deal (I could punch her!!) The spot stayed the same but lots of new spots grew on my chest and stomach (They have all also stayed the same). I started taking vitamins b12, folic acid, gingko biloba, A+D, I bought a copper bracelet, and I went gluten free. The spots didn't fill in but no new spots ever came.

    This July 2013 I became really discouraged after seeing no spots fill in so I gave up and stopped taking the vitamins. Immediately spots showed up on my right arm! Soooo I am now on a quest not to repigment, but to just prevent new spots. I guess I was doing something right (but I have found acceptance in whatever the outcome is). I encourage everyone to try the healthy lifestyle approach.

  • Not sure exactly, I had spots on my arm as a child that disappeared after the summer. New spots have now appeared in my groin area and I was diagnosed at 28, this year.
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