My first ever public picture of me with no makeup on....and my hair a
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  • Hello beautiful!!!
  • Hi Rocio, my name is Nasreen and I just joined this site. I wanted to say that, before I saw your post about how this is your first "public" pic without makeup, I saw a beautiful woman!  What makes you beautiful is not what shows on the outside but rather what shines outwardly from within.  I just had my first flareup of Vitiligo in November and I have chosen to not wear makeup.  I like embracing the world in my most authentic way rather than letting society and media dictate what should be considered beautiful.  What each and everyone of us has is not a flaw but rather something else that adds to each of our uniqueness and beauty!  so you girl!  

  • Beautiful!!!

  • Thank you!! You are all fantastic! @ Steve Hargadon, sure I would go on, hair is a mess, but I want others to feel encouraged so sure why not, I put a new one up check which one you like :)

  • You are awesome! Thanks for posting.

  • You are beautiful.

  • Terrific!  So brave.  So beautiful!  Let me know if we can post to (no names given).

    I love how the shirt matches your skin!

  • Thank you Mark!
  • and may i add you look beautiful

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