Hawaii trip with hubby Dec 2010

Sun in my eyes...vitiligo not to visible due to makeup
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  • salam.wiz time u will accept it inshaAllah.see,we muslims we focus on the life in the hereafter.we are all travellers in this world.who is going to stay here forever.every soul will taste death.praying supplicating being thankful to God and to be patient in this trial.coz not a thorn pricks a believer that his sins are expiated.all cure is from Him.if He wishes for me to bear this disease i will inshaAllah,to get the reward in the hereafter.but still GOd says that He will not burden a soul more than the person can bear.i was a lonely housewife with low self esteem.i always used to pray for a change.then igot an invitation to perform haj in mecca.since i have come back am going through trials to test my faith.at first i was shocked vitiligo me.but then see i got friends i have become open i laugh i talk a lot.but yes support is important.ur husband accepts u as u r then who cares about the whole damn world.
  • I thank the Lord that I am healthy (no cancer, etc) but it still doesn't change the fact that I have this disease which has caused me depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, OCD. I have had Vitiligo for 10 yrs plus and it keeps getting worse.  I used to have high self-esteem and loved to sun bathe.  Now I feel like I can't go out to pool, beach, etc.  I can say the same to you...think about other people with deadly diseases and be content with how you are/look but it is easier said to others.  I am slowly SLOWLY getting more bold to go out without cover up makeup on my face and hands..My husband says to embrace it...but...I can only try.  I have cried many tears about this disease and I refuse to let it get the best of me...I like one person on this site that says she talks to people about it and that is what I have been doing for past year...so when they stare I inform them.  I still have a way to go accepting it but I am hopeful it will not take my life away....Thank you Sima for your comment.

  • dont bother about the patches.its bearly visible bcoz ur skin is fair.whereas in dark skin its more visible.so tell urself that its just a problem of skin and not cancer tumour ou whatever dreadful disease.think about those persons who are undergoing horrifying situations and be content with how u are. salam.

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