Main (1724)


I have been looking into diets for my own weight loss as well as something that may help slow the progression of my vitiligo. Does anyone know about certains foods that should be avoided, or foods that would be beneficial? I would love to hear anyone

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Hiya, i am going  on Holiday  and  i  would  like  to know  which is the best sunscreen to  buy. Looking for water resistant and  i have dark skin, so  i would  need 50+.  I have never used sunscreen before, but since  i have vitiligo on my lips, i h

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8 Replies

Crazy/Funny Vitiligo Stories...

Does anyone have any crazy, funny vitiligo stories that they tell to maybe break the ice and get through those awkward moments? lol Of course we should let people know what it really is but how do you handle your first encounters with people who are

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14 Replies

world vitiligo day

Hi Friends,


Request you all to show support for world vitiligo friends. You must have received an e-mail from vitiligo friends (Steve Hargadon). Please sign up the petition online. This will be a petition  for the United Nations to declare a world

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Need you Help!

Hello Everyone,

       I am currently working on a research paper dealing with vitiligo for an English class assignment and I was wondering if anybody that has vitiligo is willing to help. I'm asking if you would please take a few minutes to take thi

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Vitiligo Research Hospital

I am a Bio-Medical Scientist and I am calling out for those Drs, Scientists, Medical professionals, Researchers, Herbalists whom have Vitiligo and feel the pain, I want us to have a Vitiligo Research Team to open a (Vitiligo Research Centre) or (Viti

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4 Replies


Hi all, 


I have recently started using a steroid cream Elicon as treatment on my hands. Just wondering if anyone has used this and seen results/side effects? I have been told that the cream will be effective on my new spots that are spreading, but

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