Main (1723)

Sunscreen needed... But which one

With spring and summer fast approaching, I Need to find myself a really good sunscreen for my face. I have vitiligo around my mouth. I hate the greasiness of sunscreen especially when applied to the face. I want something with a high SPF, obviously u

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Tingling caused by protopic

Anyone else experience prolonged tingling in the area where protopicbwas applued? For me, I applied protopic around my mouth and it took a few applucations for the tingling to appear. It lasted a long time, even after stopping the application (i have

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PUVA Treatment

Oral PUVA may increase the risk of skin cancer, so patients should apply sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight for 24-48 hours after each treatment and wear protective UVA sunglasses for 18 to 24 hours after each treatment to avoid eye damage, particul

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Riemann P20 sun block

Haven't looked around this site yet but a search on P20 came up with nothing.

How many people with vitiligo know about Riemann P20 all-day sunscreen?  It's an absolute miracle and it lets me lead a normal life outdoor life, all year round.

I have alm

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PUVA-UVB Working for me

I'm new here to this forum but I've had vitiligo since I was 9 (I'm now 27), its spread about 60% of my body. It was tough growing up with it, but it never stopped me from play highschool sports, making interesting friends, meeting new people..etc. I

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