need advice on protopic and sun exposure

I'm hoping to repigment my face with Protopic.I have a few questions for people who have repigmented their face or any other area using protopic and sun exposure. 1.What time do you apply protopic in the morning and night? 2.What time do you get sun exposure and how many times per week? 3.How many minutes do you expose the area to the sun?

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    Isee this information in one site for vitiligo you can take advantage



    • Can I use Protopic Ointment and use make-up?

    If you wanted to wear them at the same time, you would definitely need to apply the Protopic first, on clean, dry skin and wear it for 15 -30 minutes to allow time for the active ingredients to enter the skin before applying the makeup.

    Because you really only need to wear the Protopic 15-30 minutes for the active ingredients (not the petroleum base) to be absorbed into the skin, after that time you can either wipe or wash off the residual ointment and proceed with your day as you normally would."

    • :) Thanks so much for posting this!

  • 1. Morning and night time, just before going to sleep.

    2. Good Sun exposure during summer.   Few min during winter, obviously not much

    3. 15 to 20 min


    In general, protopic works well for facial vitiligo.  Results differ for other parts of body. 

    We happened to get lucky and trying to get ourselves out of Vitiligo using Protopic in combination with mild steriod on the weekends, which is permissible per the Doc.  I truly feel that, without that steroid content, we could not have resolved our vitiligo situation.  This is our personal opinion, purely.  Hopefully, repigmentation stays permanent.  Hoping for the best. 

    • Thanks for the helpful information guys.
  • Hi! I put on my Protopic right before I go to bed. I am supposed to do it twice a day but I don't because I wear make up during the day. As for sun exposure, the tube of Protopic actually says to avoid sun exposure. In my personal experience, wearing Protopic in the sun for a long time causes a burn. However, I live in Michigan and right now we have next to no sun and my repigmentation is much slower. I would not suggest avoiding your Protopic if you know you are going to be outside for a lengthy amount of time, but average sun exposure such as going for short walks seems to be beneficial. Once again, this is my personal experience, it may differ for other people.

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