



Minocqua, WI


November 15

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  • Jen, thanks for the friend invite!!  I hope that you enjoy the site.  Cawanda

  • Hi Jen !!! Thank you for the friend invite !!!! Have a super day !!! Take care !!!1 :) :) :)
  • Make sure u join the Parents Corner Group too :)
  •    I have found some great people who are a wealth of information on here.   There are a few who have not had problems growing up with vit but most run into some difficulties at some point in their lives.  It so far has been more stressful on me anticipating her going through that time than it has affected her.  (But she is still so young).   I ran into someone with vitiligo a few months ago and he told me to just go at her pace.  So far I only tell those who ask, but she does a pretty good job at answering their questions.   I did have to meet with her teacher about it because she was getting sun burn at school on recess.  (got a dr.'s note and now she gets sunscreen).   I have read comments that others have met with the class to explain the vit.  Sometimes kids are just curious and once they know, they stop starring.    And like Nadika said, when ever you have time look around the "discussions", you will find a lot of answers :)  I do it all the time :)  

  • My pleasure !!! I hope you find the information you are looking for. Read through past "discussions" when you have the time, and add your thoughts and comments too !!! Welcome, again !!! Take care :) :) :)
  • Hi Jen,  My daughter will be 7 in November.  Her vit starting when she was just a few years old.  I am so grateful to be able to get on here and just vent.  I find myself supporting others just as much as I feel like I need support.  This has been a strange thing to deal with.  It grows so fast, stalls in growth, and then a new patch starts somewhere else.  Nothing I do seems to be really helping.  :(  She is doing okay with it at this point but we have also avoiding going outside like the plague.  How is your daughter handling it?
  • Hello and Welcome !!! Glad you are here !!! :) :) :)
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