Vitiligo Research Hospital

I am a Bio-Medical Scientist and I am calling out for those Drs, Scientists, Medical professionals, Researchers, Herbalists whom have Vitiligo and feel the pain, I want us to have a Vitiligo Research Team to open a (Vitiligo Research Centre) or (Vitiligo Hospital) here in the UK, to do what it should be done, lets unite, let’s do what other condition suffers do, like cancer and diabetes as we can see they have opened many centres across the globe and why shouldn't we? I believe we must have a centre that deal with research on daily bases and employ different sect nurses who can talk to vitiligean and so they can come and visit for information and research purposes, in this way we can spread the word, awareness, and educate us and non sufferers.


Many things can be done within a small hospital; including Advice on Nutrition, different treatments, blood test, screening, psychological advice, life style changing, Risks involved, prevention, all kind of Research for a Possible Cure etc. I need us, so we can raise the awareness to the world health organisation (WHO) and to each government’s Health minister within that country to open a Vitiligo Hospital.


This is the best and only way to CURE, I see no other ways.


Please keep it in mind


Please let’s unite


Please spread the word



Many Thanks

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  • Sounds like a great idea

  • great job

    well began is half done

    so all those looking forward,

    hope the waiting is getting over


    and lots of good luck

    • Very good motivation ,I am always on research and trials to find the trigger  and to get repigmentation….as you say since some of us  manage to repigment  in some degree   there is a possibility to find some ting which helps for all but there is luck of research.

      Good luck and remember to inform us weather it works or not.


    • I appreciate your comment, we in the UK are 10 years behind USA because no one trying even when they get paid for a new drug ie clinical trails are much harder here, but these websites work for their own pocket, the £,$ signs are in their mind and eyes!!! I want us to work for us, I have made creams for myself, this is a 4th trail ( Organic ginger+ Black pepper+ chickpeas + apple vinegar grind fine then mix) 1-4 in order of proportion ie 1g of ginger, 1/2 of Blackpepper etc, after drying on the skin then separately put coconut oil so you can make it too, ( I am on my own clinical trial for every day in my life till I find a cure) i made improvements, there is a cure because there is repigmentation! But lack of co operation, lack of research, lack of understanding. I have made other research about Black seeds as it is an Immunemodulator, together with other herbs like Babchi, and Barberry root they give good repigmentation.

      I want to work for us not for money, I want us to have a place like the Food Hospital in London, Cancer research centres,  at least in the capitals if we can get the health ministers interested.

       money is the roots of all devils, money can NOT buy love!! money is not every thing. we need to work hard for this

      Lets unite 

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