It's a bit pricey so I wanted to put this out there before I make the investment (about $30 for a small tube).....I have spend SO much money on cosmetics, cover ups, concealers, and have found I often need to "switch things up" to get decent coverage....what works one week sometimes doesn't look good at all the next week, and so on...(sigh).....I waste so much time trying out new things/coverups, makeup techniques that will allow me to cover up well enough to not feel self conscious out in public especially during the day.  But that is getting harder all the time, especially with any sun exposure, even through the car windows!  (Seriously want to buy one of those "solar shades" you can attach to your car's side window, to block the damaging rays, they attach with suction cups and are pretty inexpensive.


Any and all feedback would be GREATLY appreciated.  I went on a job interview last week, and what saved my self esteem even with good makeup, was to wear trendy glasses (glass lenses, not maginfying or prescription) but even these hurt my eyes after a while...they are a MUST though anytime I have to go to work....

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  • Try colorstay from revlon its medium to full coverage and it stays on all day
  • I used to use Dermablend when I covered my spots. It worked well when I used it and with the setting powder its pretty much water resistant (not water proof however).  I recommend it if you are looking for a good cover up. You can also blend colors to make your skin which is what I had to do. So yes its expensive, but it works. I dont cover my spots up anymore. They are who I am and if people dont like it they dont have to look at me ;)

  • I have tried the samples of the Vichy Dermablend, didn't seem to have a good shade for me at the time. It was the end of the summer when I found it, and the contrast was a little more noticable. (Due to work I had to spend more time then preferable in the sun so I did tan a little). Now that everything has faded- my pigmented skin is very pale anyway- I was hoping to find a good shade. I was told my the cosmetic lady selling the Vichy though that Cover FX was the better product, little more expensive, but better results.
    Normally I don't even try to cover my vitiligo, I have grown to accept it, just nice to cover up for special occasions. I normally don't wear any make up either, unless it's a special occasion.

    • wow Nicole you are brave, I won't DARE leave my house, even to take out the trash, unless I am in full makeup.....I hate it, but what can you do?  At least as women, I guess, we have this option as a "regular" thing....would imagine it's much harder for males with this condition if it shows on their face, no man wants to wear makeup, and understandably....but I know it helps for both men and women to make us feel a bit more confident when facing the world...I couldn't and wouldn't leave my house without makeup, maybe in time this will change (hope it does) but for now it is my defense and cover and I couldn't live without complexion is also "mottled" meaning the pigment is like all over the place, not just the white spots, but red too in some areas, tan in others, it's just a messy jigsaw puzzle is how I describe it these days...:)

  • Yes....that dermablend is good stuff...I used it years ago.
  • has anyone tried cover fx??

  • Dermablend is the best in my opinion. I went to a cosmetic store and the lady helped me find a color that was perfect for me. I used it on my hands and face.

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