Gingko Biloba

I have been taking Gingko Biloba since July 5, 120 mg per day divided into 60 mg twice a day, taken morning and evening. My vitiligo has stopped spreading and I am seeing freckling on my hands. I am also seeing pigmented spots within white areas beginning to grow back. The progress is slow. I initally was using capsules but have since read that tablets are better and have switched just this week to those. There are some studies that are tending to support the theory that GB helps. I am going to continue to use it. I think it helped that I began using it during the summer months and was able to expose my skin to strong sunlight.

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  • any update to your success with gingko biloba?  some people have said that they have seen their spots actually grow.  I want to try it with my 16 year old son.  he was dx about a year ago and has several spots the size of a dime and a couple the size of a quarter in the chest and shoulder area.  I want it to stop growing.  we have been giving him multivitamin, tumeric pills, and raw organic honey to support his immune system.  No one ever had vitiligo until my brother was dx. 2 years and my son a year later.  We do have autoimmune diseases like rheutomoid arthritis, thryoid and alopecia.

    • I'm sure that it's different for everyone, but it worked great for our son. Not sure if you read our story on my page, but it details what we did and when we saw results. Happy to say he is still seeing improvement and no issues with the pigment leaving again. He isn't even taking his gingko as religiously as he was 6 months ago- just when he remembers and all is well. The deem told us that usually when patients repigmentate it lasts so we hope that is the case. He was head to toe with vitiligo so the few areas he has kind of look like just freckled skin and most people don't notice it much. 

      Good luck to you and your son, I know how difficult it can be as a parent to wish their was something you could do, try to stay positive and I would add gingko to his supplements (check with your dr first) and track it. Take pictures, it really is the best way to SEE whats happening. If there are just a couple spots use a coin or something in the pictures to see if its spreading or not. If he starts gaining the pigment (usually after a little sun exposure) it will start like a red ring around the spot and then a few freckles in the spot. This took about 12 weeks for us to see these results. The freckles got progressively darker than his normal complextion and then evened out after a few weeks. Again I have the whole story and pictures on my wall. This reminds me I should take a few more pictures to check progress- I was doing it monthly.

      Again - good luck! :) 

      • Did your son's hands repigment?
  • Tinny Hall,please tell me result of GINGKO BILOBA.

    • It's worked great for my son. He still has a few areas without pigmentation, but he has regained about 75% of his pigmentation and I contribute it to the strict daily usage of gingko biloba. I will try to attach a few pictures for you.

      • Did it take exactly 12 weeks for the white patches to stop growing?  I tried taking GB but I stopped before 12 weeks because my white patches were still growing.

        • For my son it was about 12 weeks to the day- we added a little sunlight into the mix as well and I think that helped a lot. The spots start just "freckling in" and then they would be darker than the skin around it by the time it reached the border of the spot. Then it would take a few weeks an the color would all even out.

          Were you able to click on the picture links? I have some pictures of his arms that show a much more dramatic change, but I didn't have time to post yesterday.  I will post them on MY PAGE and you should be able to see the progression. 

          • Thank you so much!  I'm going to try ginkgo again and stick with it for the entire 3 months.  I really appreciate this info!  :)

            • I just finished posting the pictures on my page. Let me know if you are able to see the progression. It's a process, but we think it was the best option for us/

      • before 


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