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  • thank you melissa :)

  • So pretty:) love your hair
  • thankx nj. i never wore any kind of makeup before. i had to go to the mall and have them teach me lol i was like ooo man this is so girly hahaha. i didnt know girly girls went thru all the steps of cover up then all the other glits and glams. i wear a face lotion with sun screen then primer, cover-up, cover-up powder then blush. ehhh coming from a none girly girl its alot of work but i am finding myself putting the glams on now. :) i figure people wont notice my vitiligo if i jazz it up haha
  • wow never looks like it there too ;)
  • thankx tia
  • Your vit is nicely covered
  • i have vit all around my mouth and chin. i wear make-up most of the time now.
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