I am just wondering for those of you that go to church. Do you attend services with or without your make up on? I just told my pastor that I have Vitiligo and I am still a little scared to go to church without my make up on but I will go to the store
Question. I received a picture from a relatively close friend whom I've known for 11 years. In the picture she put white makeup around her eyes. In the text she said "experimenting". I went thru a host of emotions in about 60
I'm thinking about depigmentation. Is there anyone else out there in this group considering it or going thru it? I've searched the posts on depigmentation on the site but I'm specifically curious about the AA group. If you decided not to do it
I've been out of work for over a year. My vit is spreading to areas that I can no longer cover. I'm so distraught I don't know what to do. I hate the stares I get at the grocery store so I can't imagine interviewing and starting new job. Has a