
  • I can say no even though my relationship broke down 5months after I was diagnosed of Vitiligo. I said it has not because we were already having issues before Vitiligo.
    When I was still depressed and all, no genuine person came my way, the truth really is that I couldn't be in any relationship then as nobody understood what I was going through. In other words like attracts like, I was living negatively and was only attracting negative people.

    Today the reverse is the case as am living my life to the full, getting attention & admiration, enjoying my spinsterhood while it lasts. Yeah, they are there trying out their luck. I will sure say yes to one again someday, but for now its just me.

    Love and Accept yourself, present a wonderful YOU and you will be amazed!
  • Ooooo Weeeee.....that's a good one. Personally, my spiritual life has affected my "love life" more than anything. I still have men ask me out, but now I pay attention to the character of the man more than the stuff that surrounds the man. Just like w/ a man tho....a woman's swagger commands attention, regardless of the package. If a man is looking for a hood kinda chick...I aint the one! I have Ride-or-Die characteristics, but my main Swag is how I serve my God....which in turn relates to how I treat those in my presence. I was recently reintroduced to a man I went to Creative Arts school with prior to the vit & when we met...I didn't feel him looking at me to disect me, but as true attraction....& we've been dating ever since. I luv it!!
  • I agree with Cara! Attitude is everything and everything is attitude! I love me with the vitiligo. If you love yourself, and are willing to love in return, love will find you back! I have recently met someone new and he is ok with the vitiligo because he is VERY ok with me first!
  • It had for a long time until I changed my attitude. And a lot of times people still arent willing to date different. But I dont suffer from vitiligo and I dont live with vitiligo. Vitiligo has to live with me because I go on about my life like it isnt even there and mine is pretty extensive! I have had vit for 27 years. Almost three months ago I met a wonderful man who loves me for who I am and like me.....doesnt see my vitiligo. He loves the way I carry myself. My confidence and swagger is what he said attracted him to me. Attitude is everything!
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