Picture 70

Picture 70
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  • do meditation and dont be tensed at all will help a lot.


  • Oh and Denise my whole body is like this and it is getting worse as each day passes. I look in the mirror and i see each little small change and that just brings me down more. i need help too. But i really don't think that it would help if I did. There are so many positive people here on Vit Friends that will be able to help you. They will be there 4 u.
  • Hello Denise, I am going 2 b totally honest with u. I don't wear base or anything on my face. Sometimes i will put on eyeshadow (but not 2 cover), mascera, eyelinner and some lipgloss or lipstick. I have had vit since 1996 and it has really made me very unhappy, sad, depressed, and my self-esteem worse. I have made up my mind that I don't like who I am and I would not want to live this way. I don't think I will ever except this. i have tried but I am just not strong enough to say okay this is who I am. I want 2 b normal, beautiful, and b able 2 hold my head up which I am not doing and haven't done since this disease came into my life.

  • Hello friend, U see my face, do U attempt to cover it up with make-up?  Or do U just go throughout your day?  please advise how U handle it.....
  • and where a smile ?
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