no makeup

i been taking folic acid,B12 and vitamin d.
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  • taloo ok :) everyone calls me zanna :)

  • If its diffcult u can call me taloo lol
  • hi Talal! easyer to spell your name i tried to say it hmm?? Kevin it does make sense ;) this summer i will jetski all i want and just use 1,000 prof sunblock lol.

  • Can't even see anything. :) I hate summer too but I would like to love it if that makes sense lol
  • Haha Roseanna
  • yeh the summer kills me seems like i run in the shade like a little kid everywhere i go lol.

  • Yes you are right Roseanna in the summer its so difficult

    During summer i avoid to go out during morning but if you are working no way
  • thank tina and talal. i am so light right now but in the summer its a different story.

  • still you r look nice compare with otheres like me


    chare up

  • Roseanna, GREAT pic!  and I don't notice any either, you're so pretty!!  (and your little guy is a total doll!)

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