
Diego's patches...all in 4 weeks!
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  • gluten intolerance may be the reason. u must immediately try getting rid of all wheat, barley, rye products. Results usually show within 1 to 4 months. I got pigmented on my palm. He may also need multivitamins but for his age I dont know. It is recommended to go lactose free too but I haven't done that.
  • we tested him for celiachia. but he is negative...he could just be intolerant though, and being italian we eat a lot of pasta...we will get him check for food intolerances soon


  • O+!


  • Is Diego's blood type O+? Did you start giving him wheat based food?
  • thanks for your support becki! he started steroid cream 10 days ago and ant-oxidants+betacarotene by mouth...a lot of spots seems to be reacting well, not the one on the eyelid or wrist though...he will get on protopic from september...i think he has a very aggressive form and we have to live with it...maybe not having big hopes that treatments work is better...i met a little girl on the beach last week that at age 7 is so depigmented that it is almost 1 colour...another one that was 75% covered age 10 and with uvb lights got almost all re-pigmented...from pearl grimes in la to alan taieb in france you realise that they really don't have a clue...is trial and error and a bit of luck...I ask myself a lot of questions about how to manage this especially as he grows older and I have to say that all of you guys on this website are extremely helpful! how old is your daughter?
  • That's a lot of growth in 4 weeks.  :(  Remember that it can often start with a spurt of quick growing spots and then slow down.  And although my derm says there is no evidence of this, my daughter seems to get more spots in the summer months...  Just some positive stuff for you to think about!!
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