Just have a question for the group. I have started using Protopic on my hands, Legs and face. I know from reading a lot of post on Protopic that it seems to work well on face but not on other parts of the body. My question is do you think I should ke
Hi everyone, As a recent vitiligo sufferer,I have done some research to see what may have caused this to me. I've ended up with two conclusions : Either stress, or just inheritance. My dad, three of my aunts and my uncle have it. Long story short, my
Hi, I used Protopic on my face for about a year or so, but got scared as I pretty much continually had cold sores that I don't usually have (maybe once a year). Vitiligo on the corners of mouth is still there, of course.... Also I saw something on te
this is something I read on teh site of a famous vitiligo doc- so I had this needling thing at home anyway and tried doing it before applying coconut oil. I bought the thing from amazon and just did what the reviews said to do. I don't know if th
I have recently gotten protopic from my dermatologist for my face and some other cream for my hands and the rest of mybody. does anyone know of anygood results of using protopic ?
My son developed vitiligo last fall it started with 2 dime size spots on neck now its spread on neck and legs hands eyelid small spot by lips and now has grey hair on scalp! I use elidel and lidex! Neck has some repigment however it started to progre
I've had vitiligo for 15 years. It's segmental and on the right side of my forehead, with speckles on my nose. I was excited to have the new vitiligo treatment: excimer laser, but during months of only one spec of pigment it seemed, it mad