Main (1724)


My son developed vitiligo last fall it started with 2 dime size spots on neck now its spread on neck and legs hands eyelid small spot by lips and now has grey hair on scalp! I use elidel and lidex! Neck has some repigment however it started to progre

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Laser treatment!

Hello everyone just wanted to say that I've been using the excimer laser treatment for my vitiligo. I go to the derm 2-3 a week and get the laser all over my spots(hands feet elbow and face) after 6 treatments I can see pigment coming back around my

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Prednisolone to stop spreading

Hi there, Has anyone tried to take prednislone to stop the spreading of their vitiligo? I have done a lot of research that shows a small daily dose can help arrest patches from spreading any further. Just curious if any of you have tried this?

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Down in the Dumps

I notice after getting out of my bath this evening that my Vitiligo has picked up the pace on my back. It seems to be trailing my back bone, really gutted as it is the only place on my body that Vit hadn't shown it's ugly head.

I feel really pissed a

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A way if you are interested in

My English is poor ,so take care  my express! Fresh agave juice is mixed 90% alcohol(70 :30). The drug juice soak gauze.The gauze apply to the skin  with vitiligo for 40 minutes and keep the gauze damp.The skin is shined by sun.The shined  time is fr

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