I tried Melaniocyte transplant at Nobel clinic in India ..Dr Vivek has been helpful ..I got about 70% repigment...After I went to Deadsea the repigmentation was faster, I was on Excimer lamp treatment for a month to get read of the rest spot  now go over excimer laser ....The repigmentation is faster than any other treatments I tried, within a couple of laser treatment I see pigments, may be it is because I have been to a different treatments for the last 6 months. Is there any one who has tried the laser treatment ? I want to exchange exprience.Thank you.

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  • can you please explain the melanocytes transplant procedure? is it surgery or some gene transplantation? where is deadsea located .i mean in which country ,place ?

    • Hi  On the melanocytes transplant procedure ,first they take top layer of normal skin tissu and they pick the cells and multiplay it in a lab then they scrach the vit spots before they put the gelly type of cells on the vitiligo spots and bandage it for 3-7 days...The letest one is different they take the cells from hair folicles..less pain.

      Dead sea is between Israel and Jordan  ..you have to stay 2-3 weeks to see the pigments ..above 4 stars hotels arround it is expensive to stay several weeks...It is not a cure but you can gain some repigment some of them disappir in winter time again ,the secreat is the sun there is sutable to stimulate the dormant cells.


      • Hi Bamsegutt,
        Are you still seeing new pigment developing? Does new pigment start by freckling and then filling in?
        • Hey..Sorry for late replay...I stopped all uv treatments...Unfortunatlly the repig stopped and lost some of the pigments after transplant tretment.

          For the moment nothing works 100%...Melanocyte transplant helps in some degree it helps most on sttable vitiligo.

  • Bamsegutt, when can  we expect to see your before and after pictures?

    • I don`t want to post my photo as Im hidden viti..may be I will do it when Im fully repig.


  • Hi bamsegutt,
    Just curious with the treatment you received with dr. Vivek, was the melanocyte mixture injected under the skin?
    • Hi mr 18...

      I was under anesthesia...I think they skrach slightlly the vit spot area  and put it on top rapped by bandage for some days from 3-7



      • Thanks Bamsegutt. Do you think you will need only one session of Mktp?
        • I can`t say only one session is enough ...coz there is no any treatment which helps every one or 100%..I guss normally you can get over 50% repigmet.


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