Anyone with experiences from transplant, Khellin & UVB?

Hey eveyone

how is it going?  Im from Denmark, here a private hospital has a treatment to vitiligo, where you, most of the times get a small transplant of 'working' pigment cells from your armpit to your vitiligo area. After that you're sent home with a narrowband UVB lamp, and before using the UVB-lamp, you spray Khellin 'oil' on the area...

Ive heard it has shown some good result. besides u wont have any scars from it.

- Ive tried out the uvb without the transplant and khellin for more than half a year in a public hospital, without any great succes... does anyone have experiences with this treatment?  :)

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  • Hey ...I have tried the Melanocyte transplant and phototherapy ..the combination looks giving , for some ppl only NB UVB is not helpful ....If the UVb id not helping try xcimer laser or xcimer lamp if there is in Denmark .

    There are meny who has got good result of MKTP.


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