Austin, TX
January 1
Austin, Tx
Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have an outgoing personality. I don't let this affect me, but I am reluctant to get in a romantic relationship. My last encounter showed me that people can be uncomfortable with you being around their friends and family. But I just recently got a new job, and the interviewer was more interested in my skills than my appearance. I found that people respond more to my attitude than to my appearance So i don't make an issue of it. I am very confident in my abilities, sincere in my actions with others, understanding of those who do feel uncomfortble because I respect their choice. If that is the only fault they can find in me than that's fine. Nobody's perfect. I am good at being me and I will not let anybody dictate how I define myself. This is who I am and every action I take is because that's what I am not to solicit sympathy . LIfe is in my hands.
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Hello dear friend, how are you?
Thank you for reaching out to me. I was really feeling lonley!!! I came here for support and make friends and no one responded. Thank you sooo much!!!!!!
Our 2013 vitiligo conference is gearing up to be an amazing time together. Here from some of our FB friends as guest speakers: Cawanda, Hunnee Pat and more. We are excited about our friends that we have made on FB and on this network who will be joining us from Houston, Dallas, N and S Carolina's, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York and more..... For more details and to check out our latest VIDEO:
Hi Verdis, wondering how the vitamins and antioxidants are working for you? Please keep us posted!
Hope you are doing well!
Glad to hear from you on Monday. I was having a bad start to morning!! It all worked out by the end of the day. Hope all is well. Thanks