Vegas with my hubby...3/2012...

Hid in the corner (furthest lounge chair from everyone)...V can be seen on both knees and my feet, my hands and face...gets lighter as I get darker so I don't do this that often...but gosh I needed it..
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  • I got it around the same age, I'm 42 now and have tried to stop the spreading, but still getting new spots. I did get some panic attacks but got that under control now. It's kinda wierd, part of me hates vitiligo but part of me likes it. I think it would be better if we got to choose where our spots appear. You carry it well.

  • long have you had Viti? I first noticed it 2000 when I was about 36 yrs old....I am only now accepting it will I am sure someday....I just have to think differently...I am alive and no one is perfect. I am talking to more people about it that stare at me.  Most of the time I find out that it wasn't me at all they were staring at...(In the grocery store the clerk gave me the change and tried not to touch my hand...then before I walked away i saw her clean her hands with antibacterial...hurt my feelings until she when to pick up the cake again and said that's it...there was cream from the cake underneath...I assumed she was using antibacterial as to not catch my disease.  So my husband and friends say that they may be staring at you for something good...Who cares anymore huh...I am trying as not to be angry, depressed, OCD, anxiety, ADD....someday...Thanks Lawrence...try everyday to accept it and just say I am the best I can be, look at the positive may just brighten your day lil more...<3 ya 

  • I understand, been there, it's hard to accept, havent gotten there myself. You are blessed with a beautiful family!

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