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  • Thank you. For all you do!
  • This is april photo, there is a last one for the may photo.  That even looks excellent. You can have idea about my approach reading my posts.  Unfortunately I am still working on that.  Woman had tryroid which was obviously dragging her down.  Now lost interest in repigmenting (hard to belive), but solving the hashimoto.  Because pigmenting will be dragged down by the hashimoto.  Loosing pigmenting is so discouraging.  I am really sorry but for obvious reasons I cannot share more specifics.  However, when a standart protocol is developed, I will bring it forward in some form.  But now releasing any info is very dangerous.  

    I am serious on this stuff, 

    What can I say that, tyroid can be handled without medicine, using medicine just screws up everything.  

    This women who used a high dose of tryoid hormone, now she has not been using it for about 10 months, maybe more (hard to believe).  Vitiligo treatment do not take much time, but the problems around it takes time. 

    I really hope that someone will come out with a simple solution for viti.  However, I also belive that, considering what I went through, it is highly unlikely.  

    In viti, problem is not melanocytes (hard to belive) but other things that led to vitiligo (logically) 

    Please do not put pressure on me, I know how you feel.  

  • Please share more details if you can. This looks very positive!
  • Patient was described for homeostatis, problems (the most important was tyroid) were solved and then viti treatment was directed.  

    No cure in a bottle unfortunately.  Sharma and others please read my other postings for hints.  This is not my arm, it belong to a lady.  I cleared my own viti, which was much easier than this one.  I am still working for an standardised aproach of lime washing after homeostatis. The pating though have some more white areas still, I am comfortable that she is totally cured and just looking for excused for repigmenting.  I am just taking my time for repigmenting and not hurrying to see how viti area responds to some applications, it is pretty exciting.

  • If you don't mind me asking. what are your useing?
  • March 31 to April 28, about a month and still improving.  

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