My Before and After Pictures

My Before and After Pictures
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  • Hello Tamika,

    How are you?

    Welcome to the group :)

    I've used alot of medicines that didnt work and if they did it was always temporary.

    I did a total lifestyle change (diet, exercise).

    The process is slower and  it's not easy but it worked for me.

    Good luck Tamika,

    take care,


  • what did you use that is amazing i just used the ointment i didnt see no use in useing anything else i thought their was nothing else to cure it

  • Hello BJ :)

    How are you?

    The name of the book is: "How I Healed Myself From Vitiligo"

    Take Care,

  • What's the name of the book
  • Hello Raj,

    How are you?

    I have used so many treatments during the course of my Vitiligo. For the past year I have not used any treatments. Many different treatments will work for many different people, but they all seem to be temporary.

    To heal from Vitiligo takes a total lifestyle change; I mean everything: Diet, Exercise, Mental, etc...

    The great part is that it can be done - you definitely can heal :)

    Take Care,


  • wht treatment u have opted for,

  • ok dude :)
    I too will purchase it ;)

  • Hello Neal,

    How are you?

    Why don't you visit the website and download the free report, I think you will like it.

    You are the first person to ask for the book for free?

    Most people agree that the book is fairly priced. How could I be a millionaire? I'm not selling anything? Believe me that's not my goal.

    As my moral obligation I dedicated a lot of time (years) to do the research, write the book and build the website and all of those things cost money.

    I think you can understand that?

    Take Care,


  • ^^^^^ y cant u give it forr free???
    itz ur moral responsibility to help other with vitiligo
    i assure tat if it really cure the disease````````` u will b a millionaire :D

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