Me without ANY make-up and I'm still beautiful LOL!!!!!!
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  • I needed to hear that. For me it's only been three weeks of NOT wearing any make-up.
  • Of course you are beautiful, yes most people dont see it that way because the understanding we with Vitiligo have they do not have. Truly you are beautiful
  • Well Thank you very much I appreciate that to bad most people don't see the same thing
  • Monyouetee: Very nice picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Let me write an honest comment....Hope this comes across as I intended since I always worry about perception. I absolutely, absolutely do NOT see vitiligo at all in the picture. It is not a lie. I just see the picture of a nice human being. If you can post the same picture with a nice smile, it will be even more awesome really. May be 3 years ago, I probably would have seen vitiligo in the picture. I am so changed now in the last 3 years. Basically, I have grown up in the last 3 years. FYI, I do not have the condition, but, my daughter does. Have a nice day....
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