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  • NJ- Thanks for the kind words :)

    Scott, I'm glad you're heading in the right direction. It's a marathon not a sprint when dealing with vitiligo. 

  • lookin good.. i just started taking ginko biloba tablets 60mg one a day... no results yet but once i start gettin out in the sun im hopeful to see some repigging.. im also taking my b12  folic acid which has worked wonders on me

  • As parents you are doing great job in helping and suppoting whatever you can in your kid's progress ...glad to see these results...wish him future success in repig too :)


  • I just took this today. He started Gingko Biloba on 4/11/11 and this is the improvement to date. It seems like a long road (it is) but he was covered head to tow with spotting like this so we are happy to see this much improvement. 

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