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  • Hi Karen, are you using any sort of light treatment as well as Protopic ??
    I have just started applying morning & night ... I have ordered a UVB Narrowband lamp, which should arrive in the next few days. I will use the lamp every other day and then lower the protopic to once a day. Thank you for your replies... I am so pleased for you. X
  • Thanks! And yes it's completely safe!
  • Hi I'm new here is pro topic safe to use?
  • It's just unbelievably amazing.. I wish you best of luck.

    Keep your faith up and fingers crossed.

  • Thank u so much for ur reply,im new here so still trying to get use to the site xx
  • My eyes are completely healed all except for one small area! I use it at night a couple of hours before bed.
  • hi, wow thats so amazng, can you please tell me how ofter are u using portopic, is it twice a day.once in morning and once in evening, have u used it around ur eyes, have u seen improvment in that area?

  • I'm using protopic.
  • what are you doing to see these results?

  • Thank you !
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