
this is such a huge change for me :) (left) last summer-2012 (right) this summer-2013 im so happy that im actually seeing a change, i thought nothing would've helped it :) stay positive<3 there's hope for everyone
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  • very true :) i am still treating it. you too!

  • bt still u can treat it completely with continuous treatment, ; ) tc ...


  • This has taken since 2012. And it still hasn't had a drastic change:( I give up
  • Great result frm the treatment.
    How much Time does it take to repigment ??
  • a lot of people have seen results from protopic! 

  • I have been using vitamins with the sun but have only seen small spots of color come back .I'm probably going to look into protopic 

  • thanks so much!!

  • awesome results hope you keep repigmenting  gives us all hope

  • protopic everyday twice a day and uvb treatment 3 times a week:) 

  • protopic ? its been working a little for me !

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