A few photos of myself when I was younger

and how my spots moved around on my face and neck. Approx. ages - 6, 8, 10
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  • I dunno why but those pictures look familar...where you on some other site or something like vitsupport?

  • @Neha, she is not only strong but also clever, she is honest to all her friends, and that is why she will be having a bright future inshallah, I hope she finds a wonderful life ahead.

  • Since I was too conscious of my skin and my looks.. I never let others to click any photos of mine.

    You are very strong I guess. <3

  • OMWA......Love your photos. keep it up and smiles for your confident and freedom that you have. i wish all others will do the same in the future to upload their photos and forget about the shame

  • Look at that cute face! The pigmented part on your face on the 2nd and 3rd was from the treatment and mom leaving you in the sun too long at the pool. Here I thought it had burned you and it turned out to repigment your face. It started with a bunch of freckles and then they all mushed together into one color.
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