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  • Hi Guys, thanx for the comments and advice. Ive shown some of my friends and they accept it, but I still find it difficult to explain to family and friends each time. I guess I'm lucky that I don't have many discolored (If that's what I can call it) spots on my body. They come in slowly over the years.

  • Hi Dietrich. I also have the same problem. I use a product called Microskin its like a second skin and colours your nipple or other areas perfectly and stays on your skin for a week even showering and swimming. If it helps you feel more confident its worth giving it a try. I think there might be a microskin office in the states. Check it out. Especially if you want to go to the beach or take your shirt off. Hope it helps. Oh and you can look them up online too. Better to go in though because they matched my skin tone perfectly.
  • This is the reason I almost never take my shirt off. My one nipple just lost all pigmentation when I was 14 years old.

    With about 4 years of on and off sun exposure it has regained some pigmentation. I then tried getting permanent makeup tattooed on, like 7 times, but that just kept on fading away and hurt like hell. It's super awkward for me because its just on that one place, i think it would look better if I maybe had some some de-pigmentation in the surrounding area as well.  

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