
This is a recent pic of me..... I have learned to accept my condition. I am a much happier person. =)
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  • Thank you so much for the support. I thought Elidel was for the repigmentation? I used something else for the itch Ill have to check tomorrow since my husband is asleep. I did buy the  Viticare herbal lotion even though people on here thought it might be a scam. Its was $34 and all the ingredients seem to be recorded as helping get better. Im on day 3 so Ill report in a month if I see a difference. Im also using Elidel on my second week I heard it can take months if any results at all.

    Im going to buy Ginko Biloba to see if that help also.

  • Well Andrea, I have had Vit for almost 6 years now. I know what you mean about being depressed. I was so depressed at first but I have learned to live with it now. I/m not saying its all better. I have my good n bad days. But mostly good days. I guess I just had to learn to accept it. My dermatologist says my Vit is an aggresive one since I have gotten it all over my body. I also get Elidel but I use it for the itching. my skin itches real bad n Elidel seems to help me. I also have white spots in my private area. I have never gotten checked if its the Vit or that other thing you said you had. Anyway, If you ever need to talk or chat. I am here for you. my cell number is 713-240-9419.

  • Elidel is suppose to be a non steroid and apparently some people have seen results. I think its slow for many but I'm happy to finally have insurance agree to cover it. In Seattle it cost $400 here its $200 for 30 grams. So it is pricey..I was shocked to learn it was $200 here but maybe the PX is different? I never afforded the $400 price tag. I have only been using it for a week. I have it starting as spots on my left hand now.
    I have it in my private area.. in fact its the first area it was discovered by m husband. It now has gotten so bad down south that I'm having a biopsy done next week to determine if its lichen scolicous ..I'm pretty sure it is.
    My face will be 3 years this August.. the progression has been fast ( to me). I wish my face was a white if it can't be normal.
    I work from home so it helps me but it also names me depressed. I used to be a make up artist ...its beyond me how to cover this. I started taking a anti depressant so that is helping me deal with it and my sick of being sick ( I also had shingles 2x in 14 months and still have neuralgia pain 8 months later) .
  • Hey Andrea!!... you are a very pretty young lady. Now for your answer about my vit. Its all over my body. Even on my face, I guess u can't tell cuz I wear makeup. Tell me about Elidel, how r u suppose to use it?
  • 2313078408?profile=RESIZE_320x320

  • Your recent pic looks great! Where is your vitiligo?

    Im so discouraged I try to hide mine with make-up. But I find that dermablend caters to African American or Caucasian skin only . I even tried to blend. I finally got my insurance to pay for Elidel Im on week one. I just moved a year ago from Seattle to AZ. So hard to not be in pool and sun.

  • Thank you very much my friend. =)

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