



Meridian, ID


November 3



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  • Hi there, my son Dylan is 12 and we are in Spokane Wa. It's not too close to Boisie but it's not that far either. Summer is the hardest time for Dylan since his skin tans really well where he doesnt have vitiligo.  If she ever wants to talk to him or if you are ever headed to our area lets know., it helps to know that you're not the only one!  Dylan also goes to a camp thought the american dermatology association and that has really had a positive effect on him there aren't only kids with bit there there, and I think it was really good for him to see that he is lucky to have something that is t painful or worse than what he is dealing with now by having vit. Perspective is a good thing!   ;-) 
    ~ Jodie
  • I don't know anyone who has depigmented on purpose. I do know that sun exposure may lead to odd repigmentation, burns, and skin cancer so people who depigment stay out of the sun or use very high spf all over their bodies. The cream can also cause inflammation, redness, swelling, itching, and dry skin. Ask a doctor (or several) about it. If your daughter wants to be one color, it is important to know about the hyperpigmentation (sometimes even blue or black) that can occur from using creams for depigmentation. Also, I think the person has to continue using the cream or the pigment can return. There are different creams out there for the level of depigmentation desired by people with vitiligo. Some are more dangerous than others.
    It is a personal choice. I am glad you are looking into the pros and cons. It is best to make an informed choice. Here is a website that may be a good place to start
    Have you heard of microskin? It is a makeup that feels just like skin and lasts about a week. It completely covers the vitiligo and can be matched to the person's skin tone. I do know people who use it and they love it. Initially, you have to travel to NewYork to their clinic, but saving your pennies and making the trip may be worth it! It may be an easier option. Here's a link
  • I just read that you are from Boise? My dad's side of the family all live in Boise. And Edinger..is that German or Swedish? He is Swedish and vitiligo runs on his side of the family. Fascinating. Maybe we got the Swedish vitiligo gene :) I'd be happy to talk with you and/or your daughter on the phone if she needs support. Being a teenager is tough enough, but adding vitiligo in the mix can be devastating. It truly does get better. Sometimes we have to run on hope and faith alone. Trust and don't give in. Your presence makes a difference in the world. (that last part is for Jessica...) :)
  • My son is 11 yrs old and emily's story. http://vitiligo.50webs.com/  
    Help stop and clear up all but one spot, the original spot, but it too is slowly fading. Vitiligo and Autism has 
    Increased at similar rates since the early 1980's I think both are attributed to an overload of toxins.
    My son developed vitiligo after having a amalgam filling put in. I didn't know they were 51% mercury
    His spot showed up right on the outside of his lip where the filling was.     
    You can help! But be wary of drugg-armed doctors misguiding you.and seek nutrition.

    Vitiligo  current knowledge &nutritional therapy 
    By: Leopoldo F. Montes
  • Hi!! It is actually my 10 year old son that has vitiligo. He was diagnosed two years ago. We don't cover any of his up yet, but if he ever wants us to, we will try to help him in any way we can. We currently use Protopic during the week and triamcinolone on the weekends. It has help some. We also use a NB UVB wand three times a week which also seems to be helping. We pray every day that it wil go away!! Good luck to you!!
  • Hello !!!! :) :) Thank you for the friend add !!!! Good to meet you !!!! :) 

  • Hello and Welcome !!!! Glad you are here !!!! :) :) :)

  • Welcome!!!
  • Hi, Jessica, 

    I have read your comments with interest coz I have viti since the age of 8.

    Please don't worry about ur viti as I have done for many years, you're still very young, enjoy and live your life. U deserve the good life.

    I know very well that at the first time, viti is really devastating, I had these feelings before. 

    Now, I accept my viti and I live my life normally and I'm happy.

    I hope to have the opportunity to chat with u. 


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