



Cape Coral, FL


Cape Coral.

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About Me:

Im 13 years old and I've had Vitiligofor 5 years. It's been tough. Its still spreading and causes grey hair because I have it on my scalp. It's so tough expeically me being in middle school and people being immature and mean nad looking for any way possible to humilate me. Im prettty popular so that causes even more attention. I dont wanna live with this my whole life but Im getting through it now. I just want help or advice of any kind. I wish people would just understand. Thats why I joined this site because you guys understand<3

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  • Jo. I have vitiligo and you are a lovely person. Stick together my friend.
  • Hey Jamie Jo! being a teenager with vit is hard I remember those times, I admit I used to wear a lot of long sleeves back then. But keep smiling because you're unique! You have something they never will which makes you special, treat your vit like it's a living tattoo colorful and always changing :)

    People who make fun or stare because they don't understand, so the trick is to tell them. Talk about it like it doesn't bother you and they'll be so blown away by your self confidence they'll envy you. I like to think that vitiligo is like a filter for rude and insensitive people, chances are if they treat you wrongly you dodged a bullet in wanting to know them.

    Good luck with middle school, and I know it's hard to understand now but one day peoples opinions won't matter as much to you. Being strong, confident and happy is what makes people like you.
  • hang in there like a monkey. you are right , compared to many more things that plague people, this isn't a bad one. It is all in our heads . your own mind destroys you instead of the disease like in so many other cases. I see patients everyday that would trade me diseases in a heart beat. like baseball cards. Ill trade my fleer 1996 vitiligo rookie card for your all start diabetes card. albeit this sounds tempting. it sucks how i can even see this and agree with this and it still gets to me . vitiligo makes me want to throw a fitaligo. Dermablend works good.
  • I hope that you will find that anyone who treats you differently isn't worth your time. It's hard to really understand that now but, it's true. It sounds like you have a lot of friends now... keep them near and dear... and don't stress out over what other people think. Most people don't even notice my spots and I've always had great friends to help me through thick and thin. Ultimately, it is your decision to treat your vit... I just pray that no matter what you love yourself and are happy. You are a gorgeous girl... and there's always hair dye :)
  • hey there =)))
  • Hi Jamie Jo,

    Sorry for my delay to respond to you.

    On January 2008 a white spot appeared on my face.. I went to the doctor and I was diagnosed vitiligo.

    I did not know anything about this skin desease so I started investigating on Internet and of course used my previous naturopathy knowleges to search for a solution on the natural products industry.

    At the beginning you dont know what is causing the white spot to continue growing and growing so at that time that was my first priority... stopping the growing of the white spot on my face.

    After trying and trying... I figured out what I had to do and I did it.

    First of all, in my case I had to stop working so much and sleep and rest a lot more.

    I started practicing sports like baseball, voleyball every week
    I started taking some massages for the relaese of so much stress
    I started listening to stress free music like the one from Janalea Hoffman and Gary Lamb.

    I started to avoid the people and situations that generated me fisical and mental stress.

    I stoppted drinking alcohol, sweet foods and beverages, no more beef and pork.

    And here are the products I started to consume that reverse vitiligo on my face:

    Transfer Factor and Stress Free from 4Life (www.4life.com)

    Together with Transfer Factor I also started consumming the following:

    Vitamin B12 1000mcg
    Folic Acid 800mcg

    Omega 3

    At the same time, here is the products that I started consumming too:

    A lot of oranges
    Corn Flakes (without sugar)

    I hope this information can be of help to you and the rest of the people here.

    Kind regards,

  • Hey Jamie Jo :-) How's life?!
  • Welcome, Jamie Jo. I'm glad you're here, and hope you find some of that understanding here!
  • Hi Its Lulu
    I feel just like you do. I am pretty lucky at school because I am still in primary school (i think you call it elementary school) so its small and most people are used to me. I've always had vitiligo but now its really noticeable!! Its spreading everywhere. Im kinda hoping maybe I'll go all white! I use only Elidel cream on my face every night. I used to use loads of stuff but now we don;t bother... i don;t have much on my face so thats what I care about right now.
    I'd love to see some pics of you and your vit!! I decided this was one place I could show it off in pics so I did!
    Hope to talk again. its cool to know another kid.
    see you, lulu
  • Hey everyone, I found this site on youtube watching a gorgeous girl talking about her vitiligo. And she told me about this and how it could help me. I pray for all of us. And we all are blessed with this. It sucks alot but just think of it as birthmarks. Im only 13 and thats really tough for me.I just wanna meet other people with the same skin problems as me(: God Bless<3
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