



Kissimmee, FL


kissimmee florida

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  • nice to meet you dear my name is Monica here is my contact ( monicawilson4god@hotmail.com ) write me i will tell you more about me

  • Very well, thank-you and you? How is Florida? Have you tried anything to treat your spots that has worked for you? I think a good diet is important seeing how in our society it is often neglected and I am not innocent in that either. I eat on the go lots so it is no wonder vitilgo is so predominant here.
  • Hey Edward nice cars ;-)
  • Hey Edward,
    Thanks for the friends request, nice to make your aquaintance. ;D
  • Hey Edward. When did you first start noticing the spots? I'm pretty much more or less 40% spotted. My arms are "two-tone" meaning the top part is dark brown and the under side of my arm is all white. I see that yours are just around the elbows and knees. Is that your little girl? She's a cutie, she reminds me of my niece.
  • hola!!! como estas tu?
    de donde eres?
    como va tu vida?
  • MyHotComments.com
  • Thanks for the request Edward
  • Good to meet you bro.
  • MyHotComments.com
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