



Butte, MT


January 13



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cross between a ninja and a tiger

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  • What do you mean by, "I think dudes are way more superficial when it comes to the V?? You mean b/c they are more concerned with looks when it comes to a female? I think the new outlook on life is a great idea! I mean in my honest opinion if someone can't be with someone b/c of something so minor that they are'nt worth it in the end cuz what if they got in a car accident and you had to accept them in some other way, or they got cancer and started changing their appearance....well vit.'s not the worst thing that can happen right? Yeah live your life, actually it makes a person more attractive when they do just that!
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  • Hi David,
    Yeah, as far as the difference do your spots turn red like mine in the sun? It sounds like maybe the sun has something to do with your dad repigmenting...of course the downfall to that is our spots are far more suseptible to skin cancer beings how there is no protection on the white...guess we're suppose to put on sunscreen on any exposed area on a daily basis...who does that?! lol
    Hmm, so when are you going to be heading to Seattle, in the summertime? That is the only time you will be able to tan in seattle.. Lol
  • Hey David, thank for your request! Do you know that you are my first american friend? I´'m portuguese...and no, Portugal doesn't belong to Spain:). Its very hard to me to get information about vitiligo: in my country, you have to wait for a moth to get a simple consultation!
    Changing subject: its cold in the States? kisses, Paula
  • lmao, good 1
  • Hi David,
    I think I 1st noticed a sm spot on my r arm, however any of my sm visible spots are somewhat hard to spot unless you are looking for them b/c I am fair-skinned, but the funny thing is, the more visibly white spots are in hidden areas...I am sure you've heard of these more common places for it to hide...lol
    I recently dated a dude who was in the army and it was great except for the fact I kept it hidden and in retrospect I think it was not smart b/c sometimes it was very difficult to hide! Funny thing is, it almost never bothered me until I got in a relationship then it most definately did of course I can totally see a girl getting more bothered by it than a dude...
    I am semi curious as to why you fear the sun?! I know that it temporarily highlights the spots as the rest of the skin gets tan, but I also heard the sun will help w/ some repigmentation which makes sense......Anyway, the flipside is we are suppose to wear a spf 365 days a year on our spots b/c they are suseptible to skin cancer...
    You are correct in that it is hard to find girls w/ vit, prob b/c we are so awesome in cosmetic cover-up LOL =D
    Pleasure as always, have a happy New Year!
  • Oh and about the airbrush makeup; from all the reviews I've read so far the Dinair seems to have won the popularity vote. [=
  • Hey David,
    hmm think I tried the Dermablend once and yes it's great...I normally just use foundation though b/c the spots on my face aren't real noticeable as of now...Yes I do go out in the sun, although we who have vit are suppose to wear an spf lotion on our spots...reason I go out is b/c even though the sun makes them more noticeable, it is thought in the longrun it helps...I've been researching (I'm miss research and development) another product which is airbrush makeup that is water-proof. Here is the link for you if you'd like to check it out...http://en.allexperts.com/q/Makeup-Skincare-1434/2009/4/Dinair-vs-Lu...
    I know I need to be eating healthier too, lots of fruits and vegies and evidently we are suppose to stay away from dairy...
    No, my friend doesn't have vit, just my aunt and I, but she only has a few sm spots and it stopped. (she's like 55) guess it's genetic...anyway shoot I dunno maybe we'll never know.
  • So do you avoid the sun mainly b/c of the fact that we vitiligo ppl are more prone to skin cancer? (another sweet benefit of the disorder) Lol The derm said to put spf of 45+ on ur skin every day but who's got time for that, right?! Anyway, have you tried Protopic yet?! Seems lots of ppl have had luck w/ it...I'm really not doing anything about mine, other than eating better and I just started Hot Yoga which I reccomend to anyone! I read somewhere sweating is good for vitiligo and btw hot yoga releases toxins from your body so it's a win-win situation. Lots of place offer awesome introductory specials...Anyway, you should try the Jergens product and let me know how that works!
  • Hmm, well I have to say that I just bought a new product b/c it looked so nice on my friend... It's called: Jergens Natural Glow Express, (be sure it says Express) They have 1 for the face, and 1 for the body. Get both. Do not use the body 1 on the face! I think it would work just as well on a guy and I think it may actually cover the spots, and another benefit is you will have a nice tan! ;D
  • Just finished the jar ;-)
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