



andra pradesh


January 2

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About Me:

hii everybody, i have vitiligo since 3 years but didnot change my life too much..and it is just cosmetics.

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  • hii there how r u

  • Hi mrudula, how are you...what about the result after taking Pigmento tablet.

  • Mrudula: Thanks for your note. My daughter has vit in the ears now. I must admit, protopic usage and exposure to sun kind of stopped the intensity of the spread. We are keeping faith on Protopic for the ears for now. But, loosing confidence on protopic for the toes.....I will look into the medicine MALEGAIN...never heard of it. Thanks.
  • Hi, i have done my post graduation in economics and education. Now i m teaching in a school...
  • HI, how r u? what u do ? tell me somethng more about u....
  • hi mrudula
    Nice to hear that there s an improvement. Ayurvedic works slowly, but works well.
    yes i am following a diet recommended by my doctor. He s given me a list of items to eat and one s to avoid.
    He says that a good diet is very important for aurvedic treament.
    I am sure you must be following some diet too?
  • hi there, nice to be your friend
    where are you from?
  • Hi Mrdula, I took unani medicines from Dr. Waheed who is in Hyderabad who deputy director of Indian Insitute of Unani medicines opp.CSI hopital. Still I am continuing his medicine and i got good result on my neck which completely cured. Still I have on my lips and fingers. I came there to see the doctor 4 times and even I did surgery from Appollo hospital @ Hyderaabad for this.
    my email. sahlmeer@gmail.com
  • hi mrudula,i mvery sorry 2 reply u so late,was little busy.so tell me how r u?and wat abt yr.vit?r u on treatment?i m taking treat.4m faridabad,dr.shailendra.its 7 months now.very slow impvement but my spread has stopped.i m also applying antivit.oil 4m true herbals.its only 2 days now.lets see it is effective or not?so wat r u doing?
  • Hi Mrudula, Tell me something, what do you think about marriage ? what are your preferences for your life partner ? As a vitiligo patient would you prefer a helathy person or a Vitilito affected person? I would like to learn more about views from indians. I also have posted on the main thread in the forum. You can reply to santhoshshekar@gmail.com
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