Making a recommendation to you my vitiligo friends!

I would like to recommend Wanakee Hill's book Wanakee's Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo and Other Diseases. She is a Doctor of Naturopathy and she is fighting vitiligo sucessfully! Let me just say I have read her book and it provided me with a wealth of information. I have nothing to gain financially and I am not offering a cure by making this recommendation. I personally have incorporated some changes to my diet as well as incorporated information about vitamins and supplements. However, my vitiligo is too widespread and my goal is no longer to regain my color but instead to continue progressing white to one color! Check out the information for what it is worth at! Again this is a personal recommendation and I am only saying check it out!

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  • I just got this book on my ipad, thank you for the recommendation I'm looking forward to reading it!! :)
  • Beware the vitamin C flush! I read this book awhile back and made some changes. After introducing the vitamin C flush for 3 Weeks, I got huge patches of vitiligo all over my trunk and some on my face. Until then it had been spreading slowly, then all of a sudden huge patches all over! Vitamin C is controversial for vitiligo. Works for some, horrible for others. Found that out after. Never thought vitamin C would cause more damage, but it boosts the already malfunctioning immune system and allows it to malfunction more and at a faster pace. Please do your own research before trusting what she says.
    • I totally agree with Gia...there are many who try it on other forum and here  with no luck, watch out the Vitamin C there are many doctors who advice not to have too much C vitamin.

    • There are no true solutions!
  • I will say too that her book is a wealth of information!!  It really got my hopes up that diet changes and the way of living along with the right combination of vitamins could really make a difference in this disease.  

    • Hey Jen, I feel your pain. I would talk to Wanakee Hill about it.
      • I'm discontinuing the Protopic and am going to give the all natural approach a true shot.  With her being so young I'm not comfortable putting Protopic and the other topicals on for an extended time.  I know there is lots of evidence that it's safe but in my heart of hearts I just don't want to chance it and I also truly believe that trying to beat this from the inside out is the way to do it long term.  I will say that since we've been watching and having her take vitamin supplements daily and having her take a probiotic as well as papaya tablets daily she's been sooo healthy and hasn't had the stomach issues that she had last year so that says something to me as well.  Now that we are starting in using Wanakee's products my heart is hopeful for the best.  Thanks Cawanda for the communication and being my sounding board!!  :)

        • I hope the naturopathic route works for you. Doctors use protopic on infants with eczema all the time so don't worry about it being too harsh. Steroid creams are another story but protopic is safe. I thought it was causing my skin to itch when I used it after I first got diagnosed....I realized later that my skin just itches when I am first getting spots. it didn't have anything to do with the protopic. Good luck. I do some naturopathic, but I also use the creams and uvb that have been tested and shown to work. Not putting all my eggs in the basket of something not considered best practice.
        • I agree diet, vitamins, and supplements are key! I am glad that I posted this post at the time when you needed support and encouragement! Thanks for being supportive of your daughter! That is what we do a parents!
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