A random thought

This is a random thought I had the other day. I was thinking about my vit and I came to the conclusion that even if we dont realize it that we are very confident people. It takes confidence to live with vit and have it exposed for all the world to see and know that everyone is looking at you. We are still living our lives in spite of what others may  think or say and that takes alot of courage as well as confidence.  Our confidence is better than someone without vit; where as a pretty woman may captures a man's eyes..from my experience with vit I capture every one eyes (men, women, kids, black, white, etc) rather out of ignorance or curiosity. We are strong, confident and courageous people and I believe that. Do you?

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  • yes you are rigth egnore them. for me i avoid people who saying me negative...

    Im new here i hoe we can be friends also


  • Now I do. Never thought of it that way. Can't let nothing stop us, just keep on moving towards our future goals.

    Although you did make me stop and almost tear up. lol

    • I hope they were going to be tears of joy :)

      • Of course joy and pride.:)

  • I agree Antuana. My vit has made me so strong that no one can beat me. So, vit should be our strength - not weakness. Blessings.

  • yes

  • Indeed :) like!
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