



Cape Town


Cape Town

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  • nice to meet you here is my contact ( monicawilson4god@hotmail.com ) write me i will tell you more about me

  • Great physique man
  • Hi Yusuf I have heard of the melatoin. Is it the same med from Cuba? I asked my doctor about the treatments you talked about none are offered in the US. If I had to I would go to SA or cuba to be cured. I would go to Africa just because it has always been a dream of mine. May be you could give me some info on cheap non-tourist inns.
  • I am so happy to hear that you found a treatment that works for you. I have vit in several areas and I am currently using herbs and visualization. My insurance is flaking and the treatment I want they will not pay for, so I am self healing. I have begun to repigment in a few areas since I stopped treatment. I would love the email for the company your using. Thanks!
  • What are the latest treatments in SA
  • Hi Yusuf,
    The reason I was asking about the origin of your name is because I was interested in your cultural and religious background -I have lots of good Muslim friends and I was curios to know :)
  • Have you heard about a little country in Eastern Europe located on the Balkans called Bulgaria? I come from there. However I have been living in England for the past 8 years .As they say "Once a foreigner always a foreigner" . Yusuf is sort of Muslem name ...Isn't it?
  • I had a school mate whose name was Yusuf. He was from Afghanistan :) Are you originally from South Africa?
  • Hi, Yusuf. How did you get that photo of me for your profile!? Just kidding. Glad you're here. If that is your picture, I need you as my personal trainer!
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