



March 3



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I am still waiting to get an official diagnosis for my spots. It is so incredibly hard to get a dermo appointment in SW PA. I am extremely fair skinned and have always had issues with tanning and the sun. I used to think it was a curse but now it may end up being a blessing as the largest spot under my lip isn't even visible in my pictures.

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  • It must be something in the Pittsburgh area as my Vit. also started acting up in the last 3-4 weeks. I think I have had vit for around 6-7 yrs but never thought about it until last yr. I was officially diagnosed last June and until this past month really saw no spreading. It is an auto ammune disease so you never really know how it will go, Talking to my derm and others Vitiligo can go away all by itself with no treatment. When you say the derms from NVF didn't diagnose you what do you mean? Did they think it wasn't vit? I would have to believe any derm worth anything would be able to diagnose vit in about 10 secs. I started using Protopic myself 3 days ago. I have discussed with a lot of people on here that have had sucess with it but takes at least 3 months to see anything on the average maybe longer.
  • Justin, I hear ya about getting an appointment here in the Pittsburgh area. When I first talked to my PCP and he wanted me to go to a Derm. the 1st one I called said their 1st appt available was in 3.5 months. I did call one in the west hills area and saw him in 5 days after the call and he diagnosted me with Vitiligo. I dont yet want to recommend him as he wasn't all super supported in attacking the Vit. There are 2 derms listed on the national vitiligo site in the Pittsburgh area you might want to call. I am in the same boat as you as the Vit on my face isn't to noticable except if you know what vit. is or your a dermatologist! hang in there and good luck!!!
  • Hello and Welcome !!!!! Glad you joined in !!!
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