

Sun City, AZ

About Me:

My daughter was diag with Vit last spring. It started on her abdomen and legs and has spread drastically in the last few months. We are searching for help from dr's and various products and have had only a little re-pigmentation. I am just thankful for a healthy girl though and that it is not something medically worse.

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  • Hi Crystal. My name is Jane and my daughter will soon turn 7 yrs old, and has vitiligo. I was reading through your posts and saw pictures of your beautiful daughter. It seems like our girls have had similar experiences. If you think your daughter would like a pen pal, I think my daughter would love that. It's always been my hope that my daughter would be able to know or meet another child with vitiligo. I think she feels like the only kid on earth who has it! I just joined the Vitiligo Friends group last week and have found it to be very interesting, and comforting! Take care!
  • We are doing good. :) Just saw a new derm. He did mix up treatment a little but for the most part it's just steroid cream and protopic. He actually told us to lay off sun screen until March. Which is new to us but it has been very cloudy and cold here (Ohio), so I can understand it somewhat. The spots continue to grow and the ointments are getting very annoying to her. Sorry to hear about her new spots too. :( I am very curious about the light therapy. Let me know what happens and what her derm says about that. I see you loaded up pics....she is adorable. :) I keep saying I plan to put pics on here but for some reason never get around to it. lol :) Keep me posted. :)
  • My daughter is also fair in the winter but in the summer even with the highest level of sunscreen she still gets color. The summer is usually when most people notice or ask about her white spots. But her derm recommend sunscreen every time she goes outside. It may be because melanoma has frequently shown up in my family. Who knows?? But she doesn't get much direct sun. She see's a new derm in December. Curious to see what he will say about it all. Hope to get a new med or therapy that will show results.
  • Thank you the info is helpful. It's nice to hear others are on the .1% too. I am not as scared as I was this morning. This support group has been such a blessing to me. So exciting to hear your daughter has started to repig. I look for a sign every morning but still not even a freckle. Just more and bigger white spots everyday. I still have hope. How long has your daughter been on the ointments?
  • Welcome!
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